Thursday, 8 January 2009

Life Drawing Classes

Ever since art college, I have always loved life drawing. I find the absolute, full-on concentration that's needed exhilarating. From time to time over the years, I've gone through phases of going along to sessions. In the mid 90s I went once a week for 2 years straight, and it's amazing how good you get when you're doing it regularly.

I've not had a go for ages now though, so it was rather interesting to be offered the chance to teach some sessions for Graphics degree students at the local Hallam University.

My friend and fellow illustrator Frazer Hudson is a lecturer there, and he has invited me to stand in for a few sessions.
I taught Illustration some years ago, at the Sheffield College, but I've never taught life drawing, so it should be fun.

These images are from my last batch, over 10 years ago now. They are drawn in oil stick on sugar-paper, and are around A2 size.

By pure coincidence, I bumped into an old friend and architectural artist Tim Rose before Christmas, who has invited me to join him and a few others for some life drawing on Thursday evenings, starting tonight. Isn't life strange?

So, it looks like the Powers That Be are giving me a helping hand with that New Year's resolution! I'll let you know how I get on.


  1. Sounds like it was meant to be...and will be fun too!

  2. Congratulations! I would love to work as life drawing teacher, but need to improve yet my Dutch :-P I will keep it on mind as a motivation to study.

    I dig a lot the marks of the first one. It almost looks like painted with clay and fingers.

  3. Thank you. I found that you could get an interesting variety of marks by drawing with oil sticks and then smudging them with fingers dipped in liquin.
