Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Scanner's Back!

Hurrah! While I was away earlier this week (I've been in London, but more of that later...) John did his knight-in-shining-armour bit and fixed my scanner. It took quite a bit of research, but he's very good at persevering in situations where I just give up and cry. Computers really get to me, but he actually enjoys the challenge. Just as well! So a big THANK YOU to John!!

And thanks to his tenacity, I am at last able to show you some of the lovely drawings the children at Lichfield (see Storytelling with Julia Jarman). So without further delay, here are some pirates and octopuses inspired by Class Three All At Sea:

This octopus is by Ben - love the tentacles Ben!

This fabulous pirate is by Elias, who is only 6 - amazing eh? He was very enterprising. He came up to me after the session and offered me a proposal: would I swap his drawing for the big pirate I had drawn on the flip chart earlier? How could I refuse such a clever ruse!? Have you got him on your bedroom wall Elias?

I thought this was delightfully colourful - and I love the idea of an octopus called George. Well done Erin!

This rather fierce pirate is by Karina age 6. I've been trying to work out what the round shape over his shoulder is and I just realised that it's the ship's wheel!

And last but not least, this is by Declan age 8 (nearly!) I really like the sea on this one too.

Sorry to the children whose pictures are't here. I'm afraid I have so little time at the moment I could only choose a few, but they were all lovely and I have put them on the wall of my studio so I can look at them while I draw. Thank you everybody!


  1. I'm sure you shouldn't be showing those- you'll put us both out of a job! They're fab!

  2. I may have said it before, but the childrens involvement to that extent must just make your day! What wonderful pictures:0)

  3. I love those drawings, especially the picture of the Pirate. Isn't he wonderful. It looks big, is it? I do envy you the part of your job that gets you talking and working with all the children. It' such a happy joyous occupation. I wish I was a fly on the wall!

  4. great drawings!
    I love to see kids artwork, being an illustrator and an Art teacher I really enjoy reading your blog:)

  5. great drawings!
    I love to see kids artwork, being an illustrator and an Art teacher I really enjoy reading your blog:)

  6. They are great aren't they? I get children to draw at A3 if I can, as it's good for getting them to let go, but these are A4 - a necessity if you're somewhere with a carpet, as they need to use clipboards.

    I wish I had time to scan them all in. Lots of kids gave me their's for the website, but I'm out and about again the next morning each day, so there's so little opportunity for scanning them in. I spend most evenings going through emails and, if I'm really lucky, writing a blog. Then I'm off again!

  7. Hello Vita - welcome! I have just been looking at your web page. Lovely! I particularly like your foxes. You can see the Chagall influence, in the loose, slightly surreal nature of your compositions.
