Friday, 17 October 2008

Lovely Feedback!

I've just had an email from the organiser of the Saturday's event in Lichfield (see Storytelling with Julia Jarman) which is so lovely, I just had to share it:

One little girl, only nursery age, has asked her Grandma for a set of pastels for Christmas, as a result of seeing my drawings at the storytelling in Burntwood Library. Isn't that great? Who knows - I might have some competition in a few years!

Most public events give out feedback forms (it helps organisers get funding if people fill them in) but I don't normally get to see them. However, the lovely Liz Leyshon, who did all the organising for Saturday, and even provided cake (the kids scoffed it all before we got a bite!), was so delighted that she sent me them to see for myself. Out of 42 people, 37 were 'extremely satisfied' and the other 5 'very satisfied', so Julia and I are jumping for joy - a big 'thank you' to the good folk of Lichfield & Burntwood!

I'm taking the opportunity to show you a couple more of the drawings from that day. Pirate Lover Pete is by David George (love the ship David!). The lovely starry octopus at the top is by Thomas. There are some real budding artists in Burntwood, aren't there?

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