Friday, 24 October 2008

Children's Competition

Have you heard of
Chapter One Promotions? If you enjoy writing or illustrating, take a look at their website. There's lots of interesting information and fun things going on. I sometimes provide signed books for their competition prizes, and there is a competition running right now. Unfortunately it does cost £5 to enter, but there are cash prizes up to £150 for the winners. So, sharpen your pencils and blow the dust off your colouring sets...

Write a story or draw an illustration for any of the following titles:

The Adventures of the Ant Army
The Journal of a Super Hero
The Day the Aliens Took over My School
Leave Me Alone
If Only I Had Not...

You must be under 18 to enter, and the story must be under 1000 words.

The judge is the brilliant children's author and illustrator, Caroline Uff, probably most famous for her Lulu books.

The deadline is midnight next Friday on October 31st, so there is only 1 week left! You can read all the details on Chapter One's website, but if you want to ask a question, you can email them at or phone
0845 456 5364.

Don't worry if you don't have the time or the money to enter the competition by Friday: you could still try writing your story or drawing your picture for one of the titles, and email it to me instead. I'll put your work in my gallery!
Or you could visit my Write Like An Author page at Chapter One, for an idea to help you do a different piece of writing, that might become a story or a poem. There are so many exciting possibilities - try one today!!

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